Monday, October 19, 2009

Trick or Treat!

I Love Fall Time!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lazy in Louisiana!

Being that it is fall, we go home every chance we get so Steven can go hunting. While Steven is in the woods Baylor and I just hang out. This weekend we were pretty lazy. On Saturday, we drove up to Arkansas to see my good friend Sarah and her beautiful little girl Ann Marie. Baylor just watched Ann Marie as she played and talked away. She is such a doll. I think Baylor may have a little crush. Between the morning and afternoon hunts, Baylor and I would ride down to the camp to check on the guys. Uncle Houston taught Baylor how to crack pecans. Baylor just thought it was the greatest thing ever. He kept calling the pecans "balls.” He would pick up the pecans and throw them into the nearest mud puddle and then laugh. What can I say boys will be boys!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sweet Amber!!!

My friend, Amber, was diagnosed with Leukemia last March. Her quality of life has vastly improved thanks to the life saving drug, Gleevic, which research was funded in part by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. On November 5th, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will be hosting its annual “Light The Night” walk. The walk will be held in Jacksonville, Florida. This is a three-mile charity walk and all of the proceeds that are raised will go directly to fund research and to help with patient assistance for people diagnosed with blood cancers. To date, the LLS have raised over 545 million dollars towards finding the cure. If you would like to contribute, donations are greatly appreciated and are also tax deductible. To donate and help support Team Amber in the "Light The Night" walk, just click on the link below, select her name, AMBER RENEW(bottom right part of the page), and go from there. Thank you friends and family for all you help!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

School Pictures!!!

A few weeks ago Baylor took school pictures at Mother's Day Out. His teachers said they could not get him to smile for anything. Oh well, better luck next time. He is still my little cutie pie!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Nonna!

Happy Birthday Donna! Baylor Bear sends and great big hug and kiss all the way from Texas. We hope that you have a great day. Do something fun!!!!